Carlos Hervás-Gómez

Doctor en Pedagogía por la Universidad de Sevilla. Profesor titular de la Universidad de Sevilla. Miembro del Grupo de Investigación Didáctica (GID) y de los comités editoriales de European Journal of Educational Research, International Journal of Educational Methodology, Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education y The European Educational Researcher. Sus líneas de investigación atienden a la integración de las TIC en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje a través de metodologías activas e innovadoras, centrándose en robótica educativa, impresión 3D, aprendizaje ubicuo y móvil, gamificación, socrative.
Universidad de Sevilla
Artificial Intelligence and Education

Artificial Intelligence and Education

This book offers a comprehensive view of how AI is transforming education, promoting accessibility and digital well-being. Through innovative studies, the book examines the responsible implementation of AI as a pedagogical tool, highlighting its inclusive potential...

The Education Revolution through Artificial Intelligence

The Education Revolution through Artificial Intelligence

This book is a fundamental work that explores how AI is transforming the educational landscape. Through a critical and ethical lens, the authors address AI’s potential to enhance skills, safeguard rights, and promote collaboration between humans and machines. From...

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