LIBRO COMPLETO: Artificial Intelligence and Education


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ISBN del libro: 9788410282452

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Artificial Intelligence Tools to Improve Accessibility in Education for People with Disabilities


The advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) is an undeniable issue and is increasingly present in education, including inclusive education. Many AI-based tools can enhance and support the cognitive potential of students with diversity, supporting quality education, which favors their full inclusion in society. Inclusive education contributes to reducing inequalities by promoting tolerance among all people. This study’s main objective was to conduct a search, selection and subsequent review of existing AI-based tools that could be beneficial for improving the teaching-learning process and the quality of life of people with diversity. Following the results obtained, it is recommended that this line of research be continued with more in-depth studies to analyze the viability of each tool.

Palabras clave


PhD Carlos Hervás-Gómez, PhD Ángela Martín-Gutiérrez, María de los Ángeles Domínguez-González, Carmen Manzanares-Castillo, PhD Hăisan Angel-Alex, PhD Nadia Barkoczi

Cómo citar

Hervás-Gómez, C., Martín-Gutiérrez, Á., Domínguez-González, M. Á., Manzanares-Castillo, C., Angel-Alex, H., Barkoczi, N. (2024). Artificial Intelligence Tools to Improve Accessibility in Education for People with Disabilities. In Díaz-Noguera, M. D., Hervás-Gómez, C., Sánchez-Vera, F. (Coords.), Artificial Intelligence and Education (pp. 93-110). Octaedro.

Referencias bibliográficas

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