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Título del libro: Artificial Intelligence and Education
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ISBN del libro: 9788410282452
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Human tutoring is one of the most effective methods to prevent school failure and reduce early school dropout. Due to their high cost and low scalability, digital technologies have been used to approach or complement human tutoring, although their relative efficacy remains low. This chapter delves into the role of digital technologies in the implementation of tutorials exploring how Artificial Intelligence (AI) may be used as a complement to human tutors to provide educational accompaniment to students who attend schools in areas of low socioeconomic level. In our contribution, we present the methods and main results of a workshop of experts in which, following a design-thinking approach, we developed AI-mediated propositions aimed at maximizing the efficacy and efficiency of educational accompaniment. The experts proposed the creation of an adaptive virtual learning environment (AI-RISTOTLE), based on local AI, that respects the ethical principles and integrates accompaniment functionalities. Moreover, the experts agreed that this environment should make use of the potential of AI to include tools that critically reflect personal and sociocultural identity, improve family participation, offer social and emotional support, provide adequate feedback including metacognitive elements, and develop the digital competence of the students.
Palabras clave
PhD Jonatan Castaño-Muñoz1
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
PhD Celia Moreno-Morilla
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Manuel Reina-Parrado
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Cómo citar
Castaño-Muñoz, J., Moreno-Morilla, C., Reina-Parrado, M. (2024). I Am not as Rich as Alexander the Great, but I Can Have my own AI-RISTOTLE. In Díaz-Noguera, M. D., Hervás-Gómez, C., Sánchez-Vera, F. (Coords.), Artificial Intelligence and Education (pp. 145-160). Octaedro.
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