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Título del libro: The Education Revolution through Artificial Intelligence
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ISBN del libro: 9788410282582
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This chapter examines the growing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in higher education and the ethical challenges it presents. It outlines a framework for integrating AI into educational systems while prioritizing human development and maintaining the integrity of learning processes. The chapter highlights AI’s potential to transform pedagogy, enhance learning outcomes, and better prepare students for future job markets. Additionally, it addresses pressing ethical concerns such as privacy, fairness, and the need for robust ethical guidelines in AI implementation. Advocating for global collaboration, the chapter supports decentralized AI development to promote diverse applications and prevent power centralization. It proposes a balanced approach focused on building AI literacy among educators and students while ensuring secure and ethical practices. Ultimately, the chapter argues that higher education can leverage AI to foster a more inclusive, equitable, and ethically responsible future, ensuring that AI serves as a tool for enhancing education while preserving the human elements essential to learning.
Palabras clave
PhD Luis Moral Moreno*
PhD José Luis Guzón Nestar*
PhD Ana Martínez Hernández*
PhD Paula Gil Ruiz*
PhD Rubén Iduriaga Carbonero*
Cómo citar
Moral Moreno, L., Guzón Nestar, J. L., Martínez Hernández, A., Gil Ruiz, P., Iduriaga Carbonero, R. (2024). Navigating AI Integration in Higher Education: Ethical Challenges and Pathways for Comprehensive Human Development. In Hervás-Gómez, C., Díaz-Noguera, M. D., Sánchez-Vera, F. (Coords.), The Education Revolution Through Artificial Intelligence (pp. 151-168). Octaedro.
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