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Título del libro: The Education Revolution through Artificial Intelligence
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ISBN del libro: 9788410282582
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This chapter delves into the potential of Artificial Intelligence in education, focusing on its use to enhance students’ narrative and creative skills. It analyzes how AI-assisted storytelling, especially through Large Language Models (LLMs), can be a powerful tool for learning, exploring both its limitations and opportunities in terms of training and aiding pre-service Primary Education students in developing their writing abilities. Human interaction remains crucial in the field of education, particularly in language learning, hence the importance of understanding and correctly utilizing these emerging technologies to maximize their educational benefits. Artificial Intelligence is presented as an aid in narrative creation, capable of unlocking creative processes and generating innovative ideas, provided it is used as a tool guided by the direction and interaction of human educators. LLMs still have limitations in aspects of narrative creation that cannot be fully captured by contextual relationships between words and sequential generation alone. This approach advocates for effective collaboration between humans and machines, focusing on enhancing learning and protecting rights at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and education.
Palabras clave
María Ribes-Lafoz
Universidad de Alicante, Spain
Borja Navarro-Colorado
Universidad de Alicante, Spain
María Tabuenca-Cuevas
Universidad de Alicante, Spain
José Rovira-Collado
Universidad de Alicante, Spain
Cómo citar
Ribes-Lafoz, M., Navarro-Colorado, B., Tabuenca-Cuevas, M., Rovira-Collado, J. (2024). Improving Learning through Automatic Generation of AI-Based Narratives. In Hervás-Gómez, C., Díaz-Noguera, M. D., Sánchez-Vera, F. (Coords.), The Education Revolution Through Artificial Intelligence (pp. 169-180). Octaedro.
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