ISBN: 9788410054547
Referencia: 90023-1
Fecha: diciembre, 2023
Tamaño: 184 (17,8 MB)
New Trends in Research in Education, Philosophy and Communication / Nuevas Tendencias en investigación en Educación, Filosofía y Comunicación
This book contains the result of innovative studies in Education, Philosophy (of language) and Linguistics, Communication, and related areas. This book brings a wealth of interdisciplinary and highly valuable insights into the true ocean of knowledge. This book contains studies that manifest the fascination for knowledge, the interest in knowing more and communicating it to society, so that it can improve. As Ramon Lllull (Majorca 1232 -1315) taught us in his Llibre de Meravelles (Book on Marvels), the marvel of knowledge, of the new and unknown is seductive and can bring us close to happiness – the main carácter who wanders through the world is called ‘Felix’, ‘Happy’. Felix followed the advice of his father; in Book 8, ch. XI, on the «Pleasure experienced by a man from knowledge».
Prólogo / Foreword (Antonio Cortijo, Christos Lalos, Vicent Martines)
1. The Consequences of the Energy Crisis on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) (Charis Arsenis)
2. Children’s mental health after pandemics. Factors associated with child pathology (Vasiliki Bourogianni)
3. Lenguaje y realidad: la divergencia lingüística-ontológica entre Física y Filosofía (Dra. Ruth Castillo Ochoa)
4. Digital gaming and cyber-security in Greek Public Schools (Chatziioannou Charalampos)
5. The intercultural approach to training of Human Resources in the public hospital Sector in Greece (Magdalini Choleva)
6. Needs Analysis in ESP (English for Specific Purposes): The Case of Technical Bakers – Confectioners in a Public Vocational Institute in Greece (Cozma Andra Dana)
7. Differentiated teaching and learning difficulties (Lazaros Efstathiadis)
8. El marketing y el marketing político en la definición de un concepto nuevo: comunicación inbound y comunicación outbound (Dr. Giuseppe Iannaccone)
9. Collaboration of teachers and counselors-psychologists in the context of planning and implementing educational programs for people with special needs (Konaki Paraskevi)
10. The Greek legislation on the training of primary school teachers in counselling and how it is applied in the school reality (Eirini Kouki)
11. Learning bodies in the Greek public sector (Dr Lalos Christos)
12. Proposals for distance education using digital tools in a learning environment with special educational needs (Evangelia Mitsika)
13. Inclusive Education and Physical Education in Greek Primary Education (Apostolos Mourgos)
14. New Technologies and their use in interculturality (Stamatia Nikolaou)
15. Use of New Technologies in Special Education (Athanasia Pantazi)
16. The use of ICT in the education of children with special educational needs (Sofia Pantazi)
17. Global Education for Suitable Development. The Case of Greece (Chrysoula Spyridopoulou)
18. The concept of identity in classroom (Eftychia Vrouva)