Nota de prensa
ISBN: 9788419690982
Referencia: 90021-1
Fecha: junio, 2023
Tamaño: 154 (205kb)
Bridging Educational Emergency to Digital Pedagogies
Proceedings book of the Online Learning Symposium BRIDGES (funded under the Erasmus+ project BRIDGES). The symposium focused on “Bridging Educational Emergency to Digital Pedagogies” and ran alongside the Open Education for a Better World (OE4BW) conference hosted by the University of Nova Gorica and the Jožef Stefan Institute. The symposium featured research and experience track papers covering various topics related to digital pedagogical practices. Keynote speakers delivered talks on a range of subjects, including the role of Open Education in emergencies such as COVID-19, best practices in open pedagogy, leadership and language issues in open education and inclusive knowledge societies, open source authoring tools for creating open educational resources, and the application of visual communication technologies in education. The track was led by BRIDGES consortium members and featured 21 research and experience papers presented across five sessions. The research and practitioner papers in this proceeding have been peer-reviewed and selected for publication by the scientific committee.
Transitioning from “traditional” to the “new normal” – what is in between?An editorial to BRIDGES symposium proceedings Vipava, Slovenia (Maka Eradze, Anja Poljanar, Manuel León Urrutia, Nic Fair, Ayse Saliha Sunar, Donatella Solda, Andrea Tinterri, Anna Dipace)
Behind the screen:Collaborative development of an online theater course (Natasha Maria Gomes, Ajita Deshmukh)
ScenoClasse: A Web app to create, visualize, share and adapt scenarios for teaching the computational thinking in elementary school (Malak Kanaan, Amel Yessad, Mathieu Muratet)
Designing and Publishing Accessible E-Content (Mrs. Sushumna Rao, Dr. Babita Parashar)
Enhancing Digital Pedagogy Skills of Higher Education Teachers in the context of Indian National Education Policy 2020 (Roshan D’Souza, Asim Auti, Neeraja Dashaputre, Manawa Diwekar-Joshi)
From traditional to complete online studyA case study of the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering in Skopje (Suzana Loshkovska)
Development of Student Engagement Model in Massive Open Online Courses (Aarti Yadav, Sanchaita Nath)
Optimising an open education fellowship:Promoting open education at a South African university (Jako Olivier, Amit Dhakulkar)
MOOC on Inclusive education for Children with Disabilities: Professional Development of Teachers (Sneh Bansal)
Forgin Open Educational Practices and Practiticioners: The Perspective of Educators (Janaina de Almeida Sousa, Tel Amiel)
Removing Cost from the Equation:A Framework for Assessing OER Programs Without Measuring Savings (Seth Vuletich , Patrick Farrell)