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Título del libro: The Education Revolution through Artificial Intelligence
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ISBN del libro: 9788410282582
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is recently emerging in higher education institutions, giving rise to a digital revolution that redefines traditional educational approaches. AI is presented as an innovative technological strategy to improve the efficiency, accessibility and quality of teaching processes. However, teachers today lack specific training that would allow them to explore the various pedagogical opportunities that AI applications can offer to accompany and support students in their educational cycle. The aim of this paper is to analyze the relevance of AI and the teaching role in higher educational contexts. Teachers should take an active role in the inclusion and supervision of AI applications, making use of their ability to personalize learning and adapt to the individual needs of students. To this end, it is necessary to have acquired digital competencies that allow guiding students in the responsible and critical use of these tools, knowing all of their implications and risks. Collaboration among education professionals will be essential to ensure an effective and ethical implementation of AI in the educational environment.
Palabras clave
María Jesús Santos Villalba
Universidad de Málaga, Spain
José Antonio Martínez Domingo
Universidad de Granada, Spain
Blanca Berral Ortiz
Universidad de Granada, Spain
Manuel Enrique Lorenzo Martín
Universidad de Granada, Spain
Cómo citar
Santos Villalba, M. J., Martínez Domingo, J. A., Berral Ortiz, B., Lorenzo Martín, M. E. (2024). The Inclusion of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: Moving Towards a digital Educational Transformation. In Hervás-Gómez, C., Díaz-Noguera, M. D., Sánchez-Vera, F. (Coords.), The Education Revolution Through Artificial Intelligence (pp. 43-56). Octaedro.
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