Nota de prensa


ISBN: 9788410790070
Referencia: 09165-1
Fecha: diciembre, 2024
Tamaño: 88 (14,4 MB)

Safe Fall-Safe Schools (SFSS) – Level I

Research protocol

Coordinación: Óscar del Castillo Andrés, Carolina Castañeda Vázquez, María del Carmen Campos Mesa

Autoria: Óscar del Castillo Andrés, Carolina Castañeda Vázquez, María del Carmen Campos Mesa, Kata Morvay-Sey, Edoardo Genovesi, Miguel Ángel Lira Quina, Goran Kuvačić, Saša Krstulović, Juan Carlos Pastor Vicedo, Raúl Fernández García, Luis Toronjo Hornillo

Colección: Educación, Horizontes
Género: No ficción


Número de descargas
103 Descargas


The Safe Fall-Safe Schools programme aims to teach safe falling techniques, minimising injuries resulting from accidental falls, particularly in school environments. This approach is based on judo techniques known as “ukemis,” adapted for use in everyday and educational contexts, not solely in sports.

The programme promotes the development of a new motor skill: the ability to fall in a controlled manner. This is achieved through progressive exercises that teach participants to protect their heads, distribute impact, and reduce the risk of injury. Learning is organised into levels, starting from low positions and advancing to more complex falls.

This research protocol describes the first level of fall instruction, addressing backward, sideways, and forward falls (frontal and roll-over) through well-defined exercises. It also specifies the tests and evaluation protocols, along with all necessary documents for implementation.


2. Justification
2.1 The Incidence of Falls
2.2 The Significance of Falls in Judo
2.3 Falling as a Motor Skill
2.4. Elements Associated with a Protected and Safe Fall
2.5. Positions to Avoid
3.Intervention Protocol Exercises
3.1. Level I Exercises
4. Research Methodology
5.Intervention and Evaluation Procedure
6.Confidentiality and Student Identification Code
7.Observation and Data Recording Protocol
7.1. Observation Zone
7.2. Observation Team
7.3. Student Reactions
8.Description of Tests to be Performed in Observation Test Level I: Backwards Fall, Sideways Fall, and Forwards Falls
(Frontal and Roll-Over)
8.1 Height
8.2. Body Weight
8.3. Body Mass Index (BMI)
8.4. Backwards Fall
8.5 Forwards Frontal Fall
8.6. Sideways Fall
8.7. Forwards Roll-Over Fall
10. Annexes
Annex 1. Presentation and Informed Consent for the School
Annex 2. Presentation and Informed Consent for Families
Annex 3. Questionnaire for Parents/Guardians
Annex 4. Level I Observation Sheet. Backwards Fall
Annex 5. Level I Observation Sheet. Forwards Frontal Fall
Annex 6. Level I Observation Sheet. Sideways Fall
Annex 7. Level I Observation Sheet. Forwards Roll-over Fall

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