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Partner 1





Since its foundation, the University of Foggia (UNIFG) has represented – in terms of education and research – one of the most innovative and dynamic realities in the South of Italy. Ranked among the 12 top universities in Italy in the last VQR – eValuation of the Quality of Research; the First university in Italy to receive the “HR Excellence in Research” Award from the European Commission in 2010. The six Departments (“Sciences of Agriculture, Food and Environment”, “Economics”, “Law”, “Humanities, Literature, Cultural Heritage, Education Sciences”, “Clinical and Experimental Medicine”, “Medical and Surgical Sciences”), with 16 first-level degree courses, 15 second-level degrees, 18 Master’s degree courses (I and II levels), 6 PhD courses, and the 11 medical specialist colleges have contributed to turning the University of Foggia into a cultural centre in which young people can acquire professional training that meets the needs expressed by society at large. During last year – and in line with the actions undertaken in previous years – the University di Foggia has expanded and consolidated all the initiatives and activities aimed at improving and qualifying the teaching methodology, research, international relations (by participating in a large number of international cooperation projects promoting students’ and teachers’ exchange), services to students, as well as the development of the university buildings, the information system and the library system. The University of Foggia counts on 365 Teaching Staff Members (85 Full Professors, 96 Associate Professors, 178 Researchers) and 354 administrative staff. More than 35% of the academic staff is below 40 years old (Italian average 17,5%). The student population is 10.469 graduate and master students, 130 PhD students, 70 Post-Doc. • Institution Website: www.unifg.it • Elearning platform www.elearning.unifg.it • Mooc platform: www.eduopen.org UNIFG is the lead partner in EDUOPEN network, the main Italian MOOCs platform, funded by the Ministry of Education, with a large partnership of 18 public universities.

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