+34 687 239 830 bridges@octaedro.com

IO5 – Design and implementation of training courses

Need analysis: A completed empirical study in local level by BEU (i.e. survey to over 130 academics from Turkey) show that a great majority of academics (63% were trained in only how to use technological tools during emergency remote education not digital pedagogy and 25.5% of them received no training at all and only 9% were trained in both pedagogy and technological tools. As for the ERT pedagogies, in the case of Italy, during the ERT the pedagogies were reconsidered only by 9% of academic staff, 24% did not change anything and 67% changed only slightly. Mostly synchronous learning took place (66% of the faculty), which in many cases excludes the use of well-established models for distance education (Ramella et al, 2020). Our literature survey for the project proposal also confirms that this is almost the same case for all higher education institutions around the world. Therefore, there is an urgent and crucial need for developing digital pedagogical competencies.

Target groups: Higher education lecturers who deliver lectures online or hybrid

Elements of innovation: The training sessions will be designed as an application of different methods. MOOCs, series of multilingual webinars, and local face-to-face training with hands-on sessions.

Expected impact and transferability: We expect that at least 150 lecturers per country in MOOCs, 200 lecturers per country in webinars in local languages, and 30 lecturers per university partners in face-to-face training. The MOOCs will be open on the selected MOOC platform and the webinars will be open on VideoLectures.Net so that anyone interested who misses the live broadcast could benefit from it afterwards. Because of the available local languages and English, lecturers from outside of Europe would benefit from the training courses. In case of the COVID-19 restrictions on, face-to-face training will be carried out online targeting specific needs of the named universities. The service will be provided by VideoLectures.Net.

How: In this intellectual output, we aim to reach a wider audience through MOOCs in local languages and webinars in English; local audiences addressing the specific local needs and challenges through series of webinars in local languages. In the webinars, all the previous intellectual outputs will be used. Apart from the scientists in the partnership, other experts through the academic networks of the partners will be invited.


IO5.1 Implementation of MOOCs

IO5.2 Designing and implementing webinars in English and in partner countries’ local languages

IO5.3 Designing and implementing face-to-face training in the partner and non-partner universities

IO5.4. Evaluation of the training based on the participant feedback

Partners involvement: All partners will be involved in the training tasks. The university partners will be involved in face-to-face training in addition to online training tasks. Also, online training at small scale will be implemented with the universities that are out of the consortium. Some of the universities from each country that positively consider to attend in online training are listed in the Associated Partners section of the proposal form. Once the project starts, we will seek collaboration with more number of universities.



  • Starting Date: 07-2022
  • Project Type: Open / online / digital education – Massive Open On-line Course (MOOC)
  • Leading Partner: Bitlis Eren University