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Institut Jozef Stefan

Centre for Knowledge Transfer in Information Technologies (http://ct3.ijs.si) has approx. ten researchers and technical staff working in the areas of research results dissemination and eLearning. In particular, the centre is well known by its leadership on open education through the UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for OER and Open Learning, open education service VideoLectures.NET with multimedia open learning materials on different scientific fields, Open Education for a Better World program with more than 120 global open education projects and ScienceAtlas.ijs.si for analysis and visualization of large research databases. The centre is covering management, training and dissemination activities of several international research projects.

  • VideoLectures.NET is an award-winning free and open access educational video lectures repository. The lectures are given by distinguished scholars and scientists at the most important and prominent events like conferences, summer schools, workshops, and science promotional events from many fields of Science. The portal is aimed at promoting science, exchanging ideas, and fostering knowledge sharing by providing high-quality didactic content not only to the scientific community but also to the general public. All lectures, accompanying documents, information, and links are systematically selected and classified through the editorial process taking into account also users’ comments. [http://videolectures.net/]
  • Infosec-seminar is a series of lectures on information security, cyber defence, cybercrime and digital forensics. At each of the meetings, the lecturer prepares a lecture on a chosen topic, followed by a short discussion with the participants. The whole event takes place in an informal atmosphere. Lectures are recorded and published on Videolectures.net portal. In the past Infosec-seminar covered different topics like malware analysis, data integrity in digital forensics, contemporary cryptography, cybercrime, cyber-military capabilities of North Korea, blockchain security, illicit finance practices and cryptocurrencies and use of intrusive methods in the intelligence and investigation process. [http://ct3.ijs.si/infosec-seminars/]
  • Open Education for a Better World (OE4BW) is an online mentoring program supports the development and implementation of open educational resources on topics with social impact according to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is managed by the UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Learning at the Jozef Stefan Institute and University of Nova Gorica. [http://oe4bw.ijs.si/]
  • X5Gon: The project’s goal is to create a solution that will help users/students find what they need not just in OER repositories, but across all open educational resources on the web. This solution will adapt to the user’s needs and learn how to make ongoing customized recommendations and suggestions through a truly interactive and impactful learning experience. This new AI-driven platform will deliver OER content from everywhere, for the students’ needs at the right time and place. [https://www.x5gon.org/]

Mitja Jermol, M. Sc. is the holder of UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for Open Educational Resources and Open Education and a head of the Centre for knowledge Transfer at JSI. Center has setup and is being running one of the world’s top scientific video webservice http://videolectures.net and the open RTD analytics environment http://scienceatlas.ijs.si. Mitja has been doing research and development on artificial intelligence, cybernetics, cognitive systems and e-learning. Besides e-learning Mitja’s research include Artificial Intelligence in the context of Business Intelligence, Personalised Learning, Smart Cities and Factories of the Future. Besides that, he is particularly interested in contemporary models and theories of knowledge, complex systems and knowledge technologies. Together with his team he has initiated a national wide initiative on open education called “Opening Up Slovenia”. Mitja is also leading a research group at Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in the same organisation. Mitja has long‐term experience with more than 20 large scale H2020, FP7 and FP6 RTD projects from the areas of business intelligence, e-learning and knowledge management, intelligent transport, energy efficiency, networked organisations and information analytics. He is an external expert for the European Commission for evaluating and reviewing RTD projects in as well as the member of the Marie Curie Skłodowska programme advisory group and Science With and For the Society advisory group. Mitja is a member of the Knowledge4All foundation board of directors, Opencast ‐Matterhorn Open Source Project, Open Education Consortium, Complex System Society and European current research information systems (CRIS) community. Mitja is co‐founder of the two institute spin‐ outs, Quintelligence and Cycorp RER. Before joining JSI, Mitja was heading the research group for distance education and e‐learning at Slovenian major publishing house.

Mihajela Črnko is head of Videolectures.Net, an award-winning free and open access educational video lectures repository. She is also involved in the activities of the UNESCO Chair in OER and in EU funded project in the field of education. Experienced Project Coordinator with a demonstrated history of working in the media and research industry. Skilled in educational technologies, project coordination, grant proposal writing and online publishing. Strong program and project management professional, driven and with a self-starter mentality.