+34 687 239 830 bridges@octaedro.com

Editorial Octaedro

EDITORIAL OCTAEDRO, established in Barcelona in 1992, specialises in education, both for the professional development of teachers and for training students at all educational levels. Octaedro currently has a catalog of over 1.5K live titles, many of them in print and electronic format, all listed on our websites. As well as high quality publishing, Octaedro is incorporating educational video services, and specialised online training programmes. The publishing house has an international distribution network, with special attention to bookstores and Latin American libraries. Octaedro is a prestigious SPI accredited publishing house (First quartile in the Scholarly Publishers Indicators). Octaedro has also strong ties with local and national journalist organisations such as Periodismo Plural, which disseminate educational best practices and innovation approaches through periodical publications such as «El Diario de la Educación», a magazine with nearly 500 subscribers and over 2 million views last year.

Octaedro also partners with a significant number of educational organisations not only to publish content, but also to organise events for the enhancement of the education quality at all stages.

Octaedro has currently 13 employees with varied areas of expertise in the education and publishing field, from experts in digital marketing and communication to graphic designers and project managers specialised in digital assets production, as well as editors and logistics officers. There are also a significant number of educational experts indirectly working for Octaedro, with editorial roles of the different publishing lines of the company.

Octaedro activities

The main activity of this company is publishing teacher education materials. For this, it liaises with an extensive network of experts both in schools and universities to publish state-of- the-art educational research and practice topics. This networking ability will be leveraged for many of the activities in the project, from contributing with experts who will develop guidelines and resources, to disseminate the project outputs among a wide community of interested stakeholders.
Octaedro also delivers specialised content repositories (SOLARI, Diario EDUCA) to universities, teachers associations, and individual subscribers, with different types of licenses, from the most open to the most commercially restrictive. This technology as well as the internal expertise accrued in its development and implementation will be deployed for the development of the different IOs of the project, especially IO4.
Another activity of Octaedro is the production, hosting, dissemination and commercialisation of online courses, most of them about education topics.

Pablo Castillo
Pablo leads the communication strategy of the company.
Graduated in Psychopedagogy from the University of Granada, Pablo is specialised in online education and new technologies for education, with many years of experience in developing educational content for the professional sector.
He has also have extensive experience in digital marketing, and holds a Maters Degree in this topic. Pablo is an expert in creating video content, managing various Youtube channels with thousands of subscribers.

Nuria Penín
Nuria is responsible for the web design, development and maintenance of the company’s website. She holds a BSc in business studies and postgraduate studies in coding, multimedia and graphic design. Nuria has a broad expertise in virtual learning environments development and design, and multimedia production, having worked in big educational publishers such as Anaya Multimedia and Bruño.