IO2 – A standardised faculty development framework and guidelines
Needs analysis:. HE instructors need guidance on redesign or design of current F2F curricula based on sound digital pedagogical and educational neuroscience informed principles. To this end, research-based Frameworks for faculty development interventions are needed that take into account the knowledge base of cognitive process insights. However, developing interventions to promote effective teaching and meaningful learning is a complex task that requires an interdisciplinary approach. Indeed, learning depends on socio-cultural, emotional, behavioural and cognitive aspects. This also means that each cultural context has different needs and problems that need to be addressed in order to promote and disseminate high-quality digital education. Framework and needs-based specific guidelines will serve as a blueprint, from one hand to deliver promised outcomes of the project, implement it in the form of MOOC-based and community-based training and also, and on the other, increase the impact of the project by disseminating a) theoretical principles behind the training (webinars); b) practical, step-by-step guidelines to help the faculty transform their F2F curricula into a digital one.
Target groups: 150 higher education staff per each partner country (for a total number of 500 lecturers), chosen from all disciplines, plus European and International level reach, higher education institutions. Elements of innovation and transferability potential: The evidence base from the IO1 will inform the framework and guidelines addressing the different perceived needs of higher education staff in Europe. This will mean high validity and applicability of the framework and the guidelines in different contexts and other countries.Expected impact: The main goal of this IO is to provide guidance to the on sound research and theoretical principles, as well as serve as a blueprint for the development of appropriate MOOCs for HEI faculty. Thus the results will be used for IO3, IO4 and IO5 to create the resource pack and MOOCs. In the end, all the above-mentioned products will be accessible to other parties ensuring its high impact and dissemination.
How: This IO will focus on the research-based development of specific Framework for faculty development in the current position of the HEIs and their academic staff and will develop the guidelines to redesign or design the distance learning practices. The research done in IO1 will directly feed into this IO in a form of indicators. Based on the framework the guidelines will be produced that will guide educators transform their F2F curricula or design digital learning from scratch based on different scenarios and cases: fully online, blended, synchronous/asynchronous etc. The guidelines will incorporate specific tips and evidence-based principles from cognitive and neuroscientific bodies of knowledge. These guidelines will include very practical, a case-based methodology that will connect learning design and contexts to digital literacies: we will provide the academic staff with tips for learning design contextualised in specific problems and appropriate tools with tutorials in different languages (IO3).
IO2.1 Framework development from indicators from the analytical report
IO2.2 Expert validation of the Framework
IO2.3 Production of step-by-step guidelines to transform F2F curricula into digital one in multiple languages
IO2.4 Training blueprint and learning design of the MOOCs in multiple languages
IO2.5 Quality checklist for best practice
Partners involvement: The University of Foggia, Leading organisation. The initial Framework draft, editing of the Framework in English, monitoring and support for all the processes included in the IO. The University of Southampton will assist the framework expert validation. WE, Octaedro Publishing, and other university partners will contribute to drawing up the guidelines and creation of the blueprint for MOOCs and training (IO2.2), and translation of the Framework and Guidelines in the country national language (if needed).
- Stating date: 09-2021
- Project Type: Learning / teaching / training material – Manual / handbook / guidance material
- Leader partner: University of Foggia